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Baladi Bio Farm

This article narrates IAPC (Baobab) visit to Baladi Bio Farm, an agroecological farm nestled next to an immense desert in Morocco.

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Urban Agriculture

The development of agriculture is directly related to urbanisation and life in cities. During the 20th century, Urban Agriculture (UA) experiences gained prominence in different historical and geographical contexts, especially after the Second World War. What are these experiences about and how are they linked to food sovereignty?

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Combating food loss and waste

Food Loss and Waste is a significant issue in the agrifood system, impacting the economy, environment, poverty, employment, and natural resources.

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National Day of Struggle for Agrarian Reform in Brazil

17 April, which has become known in Brazil as the National Day of Struggle for Agrarian Reform, marks the massacre that took place in Eldorado dos Carajás in 1996, when military police from the state of Pará carried out a brutal act against 1,500 families of landless rural workers who were marching to demand the expropriation of land in the region.